Hello Friend!
Lately, we have been beating the Play. Story. Eat. drum to invite you to engage in missions every day wherever you are. What is at the heart of PSE? Why is it so vital?
Friendship Matters...
Perhaps you have seen the PSE Vision: That every person in the Americas has a friend who loves Jesus.
Steve, new friend "Junior", Bill
When I went to Guatemala for the first time in March of 2000, I was a broken-down pastor who had no agenda, no PSE processes, no big bucks to throw at problems--nothing. All I knew to do was be a friend to Cesar and a few others.
When I look back on what God has done in the past 18 years, I see how friendship has made all the difference. In fact, I see how friendships are the foundation for our evangelism and discipleship efforts. Because of these relationships, numerous mission opportunities are open to us today.
We've partnered with our amigos on large and small-scale projects: from connections in universities, to water projects, to consulting with mayors and government leaders, etc. But where did this crazy missionary journey start?
Here's the untold secret. It all just kind of "happened!" It happened when some broken and messed up people became friends, and then God had mercy on us and decided to use us in a new way.
Just like we have made friends in Central America, we have also developed strong bonds here. We have partnered together to meet many challenges and opportunities. It has been incredibly satisfying to me to see how facing challenges in mission projects in other countries has come full circle to help us connect with people here in the U.S., too.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
When Bill and I were looking back at this past year to evaluate where we stand for future ministry, the "circles of friends" idea grabbed us and wouldn't let go. We have seen how God has used our circles of friendships thus far. What if we were more intentional about fostering circles of friends this next year? What if we were more intentional about giving our friends the tools they needed to make a difference in their worlds with their friends?
What If You Formed a Circle of Friends?
We believe that we can help you build circles of friends that use the PSE process to deepen your faith, build stronger relationships, and make a difference in your world. How do you start? Find one friend to partner with, and then invite one more. A circle of friends is three or more people using the PSE process.
We have found that the simple questions in the PSE discipleship process make it easy to start small and connect with God and each other to produce life-changing results over time. The PSE questions, answered honestly and consistently, will help us BE the church with each other. We are convinced that any group of friends, Bible study, small group, or church can greatly benefit by intentionally asking these questions of one another on a regular basis.
So next year we want to help 100 friends like you create friendship circles that regularly use the PSE process in your gatherings. Please contact us if we could help you.
10:02 PRAYER (LUKE 10:2)
Continue to pray for Cesar and Elba Gonzalez. Their grandson, Leonel, died Sunday morning. Cesar and Elba are heart-broken, but they are grateful that he is not suffering and that he is now with his sister Dulce.
Also pray for our friend, Frank Slaughter, pastor of Open Range Fellowship. He is in Mexico for his second week of a 5-week treatment program for his cancer.
Bill and I recognize that you, our friends, are the true heroes of P.S.E.’s story as you pray for, invest in, and engage in the mission. As a matter of fact, it’s truly becoming your mission. Thank you!
Pray about God using your friendship circles to make a difference. Then let us know so we can join you in prayer.
Love y'all!