Customized Mission Trips 

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God has called you to love God and people (Matthew 22:36-40) and to go everywhere, make disciples, baptizing and teaching them to obey Jesus. (Matthew 28:19-20). We have found a comprehensive and fun way to fulfill this calling.

Mission trips with purpose

To further utilize the teaching, direction, mentoring, and grace God has been pouring into your life, our "customized mission trips" give you a chance to do for others what you're already comfortable doing.

You probably already have a favorite role to play, assisting with projects or otherwise, a personal passion for a certain kind of work. Your gifts and abilities fill needs exactly where you're able to apply them, and they contribute to the overall success.

Each person represents a unique collection of skills, passion, and lifestyle. We'll help you find a customized "role" which will allow you to connect to the culture in Latin America.

Make no mistake: your story, skills, life-roles, and passion have huge potential in mission work! Believe it: the people in Central America want to connect with a friend from the USA.

Each 7-day trip has an average cost of about $1600, including airfare, transportation, and meals. Longer trips involving more locations have additional costs. (Not included are any passport registration fees, personal insurance, additional baggage, etc.)

Guatemala 2025

January 13 - 25, 2025... Scouting in Guatemala





If you don't have a passport already, then absolutely the first thing to do is to get your application submitted ASAP! You can't even think about all the rest of the steps or considerations without having your passport in hand. The time between your application submission and actual delivery can vary widely; rush options are available if you're cutting it close.

How to Apply for a Passport  -> 

Where to Apply for a Passport  -> 

Renew an Existing Passport  -> 


A day and a half orientation and crash course helps frame the nature and intent of the trip, as well as our collective functioning outside the security and boundaries of the US.

Ever had a cold shower, maybe just accidentally? In some hotels not only are the showers pretty cold, but the town may turn off the water completely - at random times throughout the day.

Every day we literally are representatives of Christ, and even more so on location in Central America. We also represent America as a whole and Daybreak International specifically.

Interacting with mostly rural people, if we don't function as a team, sharing the same philosophy, purpose, and focus as we interact with them, we run the risk of interfering with and damaging our missional integrity. Be yourself and be genuine, but trust the leadership of the mission team.



Your story in your own words will be included on a tri-fold brochure in both English and Spanish. Don't worry; we'll do the translation for you.

You'll provide simple, conversational answers to revealing points like:

  • "My life before following Christ"

  • "How I realized I was lost"

  • "How I became a Christian"

  • "What being a Christian means to me in my day-to-day life"

The idea is to hand someone the brochure and go through it with them, as your page is printed in English, and their side is in Spanish. People are just people anywhere, and there's a good chance some part of your story will spark a similar memory in theirs.

Download the Testimony Template (a Word .doc) so you can enter your personal answers, then email it back to us. It will be translated and returned so you can get copies made and folded to take with you.



We've compiled a list of suggested items to pack, in case you haven't had an experience quite like this previously outside the US, but overall the goal is to travel light. Some of the locations may seem a bit more like camping than a motel. Also, it may be helpful to have a second, smaller bag available to use as an "overnighter" for some situations. The daily schedule is subject to change, depending on available contacts, so some granola bars may come in handy.

Download our Suggested Supply List (PDF)



You may decide to get some short-term insurance coverage for travel, medical, life, etc.

"Gallagher Charitable insures individuals, groups, and mission-sending agencies, providing peace of mind through insurance designed to meet the demands of international work."  ->



We typically use American Airlines to book flights, and those usually pass through Dallas with varying layover periods.

Ground transportation after the mission teams arrive is already arranged and provided, as well as meals. Enjoy treats like fresh fruit straight off the tree!

Contact your cell phone provider and research their temporary "international plan" add-ons. Cell reception is actually decent in most areas, but our US companies sometimes charge a premium to connect through local systems and/or allow only very minimal data usage. Just send a few photos back home, and you'll probably come out okay.

You may have little time to shop in the small towns as an American tourist normally would. It may not be all that appropriate, either; take your cues from your team leadership. The best time and place to get souvenirs may be on your way home at the main airport in Guatemala City. Prices are fair, the shops do the currency conversion rate for you, and whatever you buy is not subject to duties or fees when you go back through customs in Dallas.

General Travel, FlightS, meals, Customs