Transcript - Need Direction from God? These Tools Will Help
Two Scripts for Daily Live-Giving Conversations with God
How do you have your conversations with Jesus? Bill Burrows uses Scripture Command “MAPS” and Steve Reed uses the acronym “SALTY.” In this blog post we each share the tool we use to interact with God.
Scripture Command M.A.P.S.
When we spend time with Jesus, He wants to give us direction and even initial steps to get started.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
So we can look for command maps in Scripture to give us direction.
Jesus commanded us to make disciples. He also told us to teach them to obey everything He commanded us to do.
Numbers of Commands in the Bible:
Jesus commands- 50
Old Testament commands- 613
New Testament commands - 1,050 -1,250
There are close to 1,800 commands in the Bible. So a focus on commands can lead to a lifetime of obedience. When seeking to be obedient to these commands, it’s best to focus on one at a time. Here’s an example.
From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17 (ESV)
Jesus' simple, direct command is to “repent...” Now, using the acronym “MAPS,” we can have a life-giving interaction with God. This is how we work through the process.
M is for Meaning:
The goal is knowledge and understanding. Here, definitions and synonyms help us gain clarity. We can write the verse out using different words.
In this case, repent means to stop resisting God and to respond to God in faith. So my paraphrase could read, “Stop resisting God; instead, respond to God in faith, because the door into God’s Realm is right there in front of us.”
A is for Action:
Wisdom is applied knowledge and understanding. Insight is worthless without action.
So, thinking about this process, I know that Jesus wants to hang out with me, but sometimes I avoid Him. For me to “repent” and stop resisting God, I must do something to obey Jesus.
Here’s my action. I will stop avoiding God and hang out with Jesus by talking to Him for 1 minute every day this week.
P is for Prayer:
I can engage in the power of God that transforms. This is when I express my opinions, concerns, and expectations about this commitment and invite His empowerment to obey.
I can pray, “Lord, help me keep my commitment to you today.”
S is for Story:
We need to share the story. We want to make Jesus visible and famous. We tell somebody what Jesus is doing in and through us.
Now let’s use the acronym “SALTY” for a similar script for having a conversation with God. Sometimes having options can help you find something that works for you.
Jesus said,
“You are the salt of the are the light of the world...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:13-14 (Jesus)
This method attempts to help us be salt and light in our world. To do that, we want to use the word SALTY to remind us of how to do it.
S – Scripture (SALT):
You start with a teaching of Jesus (imagine this is the salt), and you are going to sprinkle it over your life so that you let it flavor you. “Salt” is a clear and practical teaching that we want to use to obey and follow Jesus. Let’s use the same passage to see how it works.
From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17 (ESV)
For this step, we simply write it down word for word. I like to do it on a notepad. You can do this electronically on a tablet or computer.
A – Analyze it:
Now that we have the Scripture written down, we ask two questions to analyze it.
1. What does it say?
2. What does it mean?
When we answer the question “What does it say?” the right answer is what you just wrote down word for word. Getting those specific words in your mind is a priority.
So it says, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
What does it mean? Well the key word is “repent,” right? What does that mean? It means turn around! Change! Stop resisting God and respond to Him in faith.
And that leads to L.
L – Live it:
Here we ask, “What action can I do to live out this command in a tangible way? How can I obey?” Here, creativity under the direction of the Holy Spirit is allowed. Our biggest suggestion is to make this something small. Don’t try to do a big thing. If you are convicted of doing a big thing, ask what the first part of doing the big thing would be. Then do the smaller thing first. We want to get a win every day. And if we take small, daily steps, we gain great momentum over time.
So as an example, for me to repent and make a positive change, each morning when I wake up and put my shoes on, I will take one minute to dedicate my day to God.
Now the T.
T - Tell it:
This is another aspect of being a light to the world. You ask, “WHO am I going to tell something about my commitment today?” Here, we just write down a name. It could be Joe, Mary, Fred, whoever. I could also write your name, because I just told you!
At any rate, every day we want to tell somebody. When you put a name down, you want to visualize the time and place where you might be able to share something of this SALTY process with another person.
And that leads to Y.
Y- We Yield to God in prayer:
We pray a prayer of commitment. We ask God to give us the courage and ability to follow through on what we said we want to do. And we do it in the spirit of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion. “Lord, this is my desire: nevertheless, not my will, but Yours be done.”
So let’s review.
S - Scripture: (Salt)
A - Analyze it: What does it say and what does it mean?
L - Live it: How can I obey Jesus through action?
T - Tell it: Who am I going to tell?
Y - Yield to God in prayer: Praying “not my will but Yours be done.”
There you have it. Two scripts for having a daily conversation with God. Be aware that KNOWING it doesn’t help. But DOING it can change the world.
Dallas Willard said,
“You must arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.”
Make Scripture Command M.A.P.S. or S.A.L.T.Y. a part of your daily plan.
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Up Next: Soul-Connecting Conversations with Other Disciples