The world is changing. The ways we connect, work, and play are changing. This includes how we do or don’t do church. We need knowledge, tools, and skills to “BE” the church in this new reality.
In this blog, we share more of the why, what, and how of "being" the church according to Jesus. This week, we focus on what to do to have having soul-connecting conversations.
Transcript - Vital Behaviors for Soul-Connecting Conversations
Hello, I’m Bill Burrows. Welcome to Be the Church. A blog that equips us to love God, love people, and make disciples. The uncomfortable truth is, there are way too many people just going to church and a shortage of men and women being the church.
As followers and friends of Jesus, we are his disciples. A growing disciple will consistently engage in soul-connecting conversations with other disciples. To do this we must choose to obtain a responsive heart.
With this way of being, we can practice three vital behaviors to building a culture in our churches that makes disciples through spiritual friendships.
Initiate Spiritual Conversations
Be Story-Ready
Engage in Obedience Training
Here’s how.
To Initiate spiritual conversations. We simply ask and answer relevant questions. (blessings & concerns)
“What’s really good in your life these days?” I might say, “I love beef and I’m headed to Nebraska for a couple of weeks.”
Then you might ask, “What are you most concerned about lately?” They might say, “I see so much hate in our country. I worry about our future.”
Now we could ask, “Would it be ok if I asked God to do something about that?” If they say yes, then simply ask God to fill this country with his love and drive out hate.
Ask a. ⇨ Listen ⇨ Answer; Repeat with b. ⇨ c. Pray
Whenever we’re in a conversation it’s always wise to obey this biblical command. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
Being story-ready means:
to be open to hearing and understanding someone else’s story;
and ready to humbly tell the stories of God at work in your own life including your resistance and responsiveness.
Here are some story topics:
Your salvation story is how you came to a moment of repentance and faith in the Gospel of Jesus.
A defining moment story is about a life failure or success.
You & God Now represents a current story of God at work in you and and your response to that.
It’s also helpful to be aware of family and community needs that together you could help with.
In the Great Commission, Jesus said, to teach disciples to obey everything that He had commanded us.
That is why we invite engagement in obedience training.
This is a commitment to a weekly soul-connecting relationship centered around clear obedient responses to God and His word. Three to five people is ideal, for couples we suggest three pairs or six people total.
We recommend that your group focus on 1 command of the New Testament each week to begin.
Each individual chooses a response to God’s command in a S.M.A.R.T. way. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)
i.e. “Husbands, love your wives…” - I will pursue my wife's heart on Tuesday night at dinner by asking a respectfully curious question and really listen to her answer without judgement or defensiveness.
With a responsive heart,
Initiate Spiritual Conversations
Be Story-Ready and Engage in Obedience Training
Sometimes when we invite others to practice these, especially Obedience Training, we experience some resistance. We think it might be a misunderstanding of grace.
“Grace is not opposed to effort, it is opposed to earning. Earning is an attitude. Effort is an action.”
When we make an intentional focused effort to include these behaviors in our relationships, God is honored and we are transformed!
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Next Blog – Disciple’s Friendship Script