Life-Giving Conversation with God: What’s It Look Like? & What’s in It for Me?


The world is changing. The ways we connect, work, and play are changing. This includes how we do or don’t do church. We need knowledge, tools, and skills to “BE” the church in this new reality. 

In this blog, we share more of the why, what, and how of "being" the church according to Jesus. This week we look a little closer at how we can converse with God. It’s simple, yet profound. And you can do it!  

Jesus-- “I am the Vine. You are the Branches. Any questions?”

Check Out Jesus’ List of Eight Benefits of Conversing with God! 

In the link below, we offer a tool to help you consider more fully the benefits of having a daily conversation with God. If you are up for the challenge, take a few minutes to discover lasting motivation for daily talks with God.