Three of our grandkids, Bridget, Addie, and Connor, help their daddy, our son Ryan, shovel their driveway.
Happy New Year everyone!
Hope you are staying warm today. Here in Kansas City, we are digging out from a big snowstorm that walloped us this past weekend. Every year when it gets to be snow shoveling time, Nola accuses me of scheduling a Guatemala trip. Well, she is not wrong!
Next Monday, January 13th, I am scheduled to go to Guatemala on a scout trip with Jim Fruth and Dave Owen of Lenexa Baptist. We plan to check out a ministry in Monjas and then meet with some of our cowboy friends in three different places—including Monjas. You might remember that we have done various projects in Monjas through the years. The last big thing was a soccer tournament in 2023 that had a huge impact. We hope to give you a quick report while we are there.
You Can Still Join us to do “MAPS”
Before I head out of the country, I want to let you know that we got a good start on our January MAPS kickoff. This is our daily scripture plan for having lifegiving conversations with Jesus during the month of January. If you are interested in joining us, it’s not too late. We recommend that if you join us, don’t worry about catching up on the days you missed. Just start on whatever scripture is given for that day and keep going.
Below is a link to a recording of our Zoom meeting from December 29th. It highlights some helpful information in getting started. Note that this coming Sunday, January 12th, at 4pm, we’ll do another Zoom meeting to check in with one another to see how it’s going.
Links to Our JaNUARY maps eXPERIMENT
To play enter this Passcode: &@XI8ju9
Thanks for Your Generosity in 2024
As we turn the corner into 2025, I must say a quick word of thanks for your financial and prayer support in 2024. So many things we were able to do because of your faithful prayers and generosity.
As always, I love hearing from you. If you have a good snowstorm story or pic, send it to me!
Love y'all!
PS…Here’s another pic…this one of a couple of our grandsons!
Izaiah shows good snowball throwing form while his brother Zeke tries to decide if being out in the cold is worth it!
You can give through the link below, or checks can be sent to:
Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210