I’ve been home for a few days now, and I thought I’d do a quick wrap-up of the recent Guatemala trip by doing a top 10 list from our evaluations we took from the trip.
10. In the new realities of a post Covid-19 world, it will be a while before we do any big events to attract large numbers of people.
Through the years we have become known in some places for doing fun events that can attract hundreds of people—whether it is cowboy events, or sports events like soccer, or children’s festivals, etc. However, now it is both unpractical and ill advised given the Covid-19 realities. And since most Guatemalans have not had access to a vaccine yet, this leads to our next reality.
9. Social distancing, mask wearing, and groups under 10 people will be the norm.
While most Guatemalans are going about their work and their livelihoods as before, group gatherings and church attendance are much more limited than what seems to be happening in the U.S. Groups under 10 can go under the radar, but over that, it is still frowned upon.
Here is a group of administrators for the department of transportation in Jutiapa, Guatemala, meeting under a tree with us during their lunch break.
When I think biblically, I wonder if Jesus is helping us be more effective. Remember that Jesus’ ministry strategy changed during His earthly ministry. Jesus at times gathered large crowds to teach, feed, or heal, but he discipled in smaller numbers, and it was from the multiplication of disciples that He commissioned the church (“Go and make disciples of all nations”…Matthew 28:18-10), and the number of disciples grew.
So we wonder if God is helping us focus more on smaller groups and on discipling of leaders who make disciples who make disciples.
8. Zoom meetings will be both a blessing and a curse.
After our first week of activities when we traveled extensively, the second week Cesar and I averaged a couple of Zoom meetings a day to follow up. As we were visiting, I realized that I can touch base with these same leaders from the U.S. as effectively as we were doing there in Guatemala.
A typical Zoom meeting with Cesar, me, and a leader of a cattlemen’s association in Raxruja, Guatemala.
The down side is that it does require a time commitment, and with the technology, we miss the contact and the blessing of walking with a leader, eating with them, etc.
7. Our Play. Story. Eat. methodology works but requires new thinking.
Our “play” activities have to be adjusted to what is safe and helpful for the group of people gathering and how they are able to gather.
As you PSE practitioners know, “play” is any activity that we do that opens up people for hearing a story—especially a God story. One good example on this trip comes from our friend, Luis Cuellar, of Chiquimula. One day after we left him, he got a handful of friends together to bike up a mountain, and then they stopped to have a group time to talk. (What we call “story.”) As they talked, they ate a snack together. And that leads us to the next one on our list.
A first meeting of a group near Chiquimula, Guatemala.
6. Eating is a challenge! But it can be done in open air settings.
Greater care than ever has to come with our eating, but done thoughtfully and simply, it can be done safely. Fortunately, most of our groups can meet outside and not in closed rooms.
It seems that when we eat together now, after having been isolated much of this past year, that action alone means even more.
5. We need to focus our efforts on reproducing and encouraging leaders.
Since we are limiting the numbers we can meet in person, we need to focus more time and attention to leaders—whether helping a mayor and his team, or leaders of groups, or a leader of a single group.
Here, Ray Gurney, Cesar, and good friend, Humberto Solares, talk about one of Humberto’s groups meeting via Zoom these days.
4. We have to model more than ever how to “Be the Church,” especially when going to church is either not an option or is severely limited.
While we were in Guatemala, the president had asked churches not to meet until further notice. Covid-19 cases had jumped up after Easter week. In fact, Cesar and I know of three pastor friends who died of Covid in the past two weeks.
No one knows the long term ramifications of this, but in the meantime, we believe that this reality does not stop us from “being the church” and having amazing spiritual conversations with both other disciples and not-yet disciples.
Please note that our “Be the Church” videos are designed with this in mind. And that leads us to the next item.
3. Use Technology more effectively than ever.
Our “Be the Church” videos, websites, Rancheros Cristianos videos, Zoom calls, and other technologies can help us stay in touch and get out the message more than ever.
Justin does a sound check for Bill before recording for a future podcast.
For me, I realize that I must spend more time sharpening my skills and being disciplined in the use of available tools to help make disciples who make disciples.
2. Protect Cesar and Elba by getting them Vaccinated.
Since the quality of the vaccines available right now in Guatemala are not as trusted as ones we are getting in the U.S., we are planning a trip for Cesar and Elba to come to visit us during the month of July so that they can get one of the two-dose vaccines available here. We believe that this will help protect them as much as possible while Guatemala fights their own Covid-19 realities.
Cesar and Elba share a moment before a meal with their daughter Mirna Elizabeth on this last trip.
1. Keep Our Conversation-with-God Streaks Alive.
One goal of mine on this trip was keeping my 2021 commitment to have an hour-long conversation with God every day. I knew that changing my routine in travel can sometimes make this a challenge. So I was a little concerned about it. Did I keep the streak alive?
My hen scratching from a recent session of the “SALTY” process that I use in daily conversation with God.
Before I answer, let me say that I am discovering how much grace I am receiving in this process from the Lord. Every day during this trip, though I was not always aware of it in the time spent with God, I found that I got exactly what I needed for the day in terms of a personal word, a story, a biblical concept, etc. I could talk on and on about this. So the answer is “yes!” My streak is still alive!
Over the next year, I’d like to keep the streak going and maybe even recruit a few others to try this out as well.
10:02 PRAYER
Pray for continued health and protection for all of us—especially Cesar and Elba. Pray too that all will work out for their trip in July.
Pray for Bill, Cesar, Justin, and me in our continued use of technology to share with the world and to stay in touch with leaders. Pray for wisdom and discipline in using the tools to the best of our abilities.
Pray that all who were touched on this trip will be motivated to follow Jesus more wholeheartedly and be contagious in sharing with others. We long to see the multiplication of more friends and followers of Jesus.
If you are interested in having us visit you this summer and perhaps being on the short list for Cesar and Elba to visit in July, let us know!
Thank you so much for your investment in this ministry and your notes of encouragement these past few weeks.
And as always, thanks for your prayers.
Love y’all!
Kids ask me all the time if I see monkeys a lot in the jungle. The true answer is not very often. But here is a monkey that our hotel in Chiquimula had as a mascot!
And there was a water buffalo at the hotel too!