Hi Everybody!
Cesar Gonzalez, Frank Molano, and I have been burning up the roads from Cesar’s home in Amberes, Guatemala, to the jungle near Fray Bartolome de las Casas, Guatemala, to La Ceiba, Honduras, and back to Cesar’s. As I write this from Amberes, I am more than just grateful for a productive trip, I am grateful that God is doing way more than we could have imagined or conjured up ourselves. To recount all the stories you´d have to pack a lunch! So let me show you a few pictures of our jungle training. Next time I will fill you in on our Honduras cowboy trip.
In Fray, we spent two days with pastors from a Kekchi Baptist Association. The first day we trained 12 men. Then the second day those 12 repeated the training they got with 40 other pastors in their Kekchi language. While we didn´t even come close to doing a full training, we did get in the basics of the PSE process. We believe that this method of giving the training in small doses and then allowing time to practice will produce better long term results. In June we will have a team from Benbrook, Texas, come down for some days of practice in three remote villages where new churches are being started.
German Tzi, mission director for a Kekchi Baptist Association based in Fray de las Casas, Guatemala, shares how the 70 churches in their association need to learn how to be more intentional in evangelism and church planting.
Cesar begins the Play.Story.Eat. training with the story of why we have come.
Nothing like jumping rope to get the blood pumping!
Frank shares the biblical story of the great banquet and how God often goes to the overlooked places in the world to call people to Himself. Frank kept the pastors engaged in his story of being reached by a cowboy church in Fort Worth, Texas, that then helped him go out to reach kids in high school rodeos.
Sitting down to eat with the pastors, they had no problems with this part of the training!
In our training we always talk about laying down our shields and our weapons to be open hearted with God and others. This pastor shares the concept in the Kekchi language on the second day with the pastors who were hearing the concept for the first time.
This pastor repeats Cesar’s teaching from the day before about being fishers of men.
10:02 PRAYER
Pray for German Tzi and the pastors near Fray, Guatemala, that they will prepare their churches to be effective witnesses in their region and that this year every church will grow and reproduce.
Would you consider forwarding this update to those who might be interested? Note too that I have posted more pics on Facebook.
Your gifts make all the difference in the world! Thanks for continuing to partner with us!
I can hardly wait to share with you what happened in Honduras. Stay tuned for more!
Love y’all!