Hi Everybody!
Just a quick note to let you know that we have friends from Second Baptist of Springfield, Missouri, and First Baptist of Avilla, Missouri, teaming up this week to complete the construction of a medical clinic on Cesar Gonzalez' property in Amberes, Guatemala. The clinic will serve the poor in the Santa Rosa region at an economical price.
Pictured around the table with Cesar and Elba Gonzalez is the construction team from Second Baptist Springfield and First Baptist Avilla, Missouri.
Even in spite of arriving a day late due to a canceled flight, the team has quickly made up the lost time and is scheduled to complete the job before the end of this week. As of Tuesday night, they have nearly completed the electrical and tile work. Wednesday and Thursday they hope to build out the bathrooms and add the finishing touches, making it ready to open.
Mark Green finishes installing a ceiling fan while brother Lance fiddles with a ladder and friend Bill Buchanan looks out the second story window to admire the view.
Thanks to donations that came in last month from the churches and friends of this team, the funding for this project is done! Stay tuned for us to announce the grand opening. Plans are to have a team of medical folks involved in that phase of the project. So if you have any interest in that, let us know!
Dean Kucharski lays tile while a Guatemalan team member looks on.
10:02 PRAYER
Pray for the safety of the construction team this week, and pray for opportunities for them to share a testimony or two as they work.
After finishing up their work on Tuesday, they met with a pastors' group that is working with us to start Play. Story. Eat. groups in the region. Pray for these pastors as well as the construction team, that together we see more and more people come to know the Lord through every avenue possible.
Thanks to Second Baptist Springfield and FBC of Avilla for making this project a reality! I can't wait to see the faces of the people who are going to get the medical care they need because of your generosity.
Note that our next Play. Story. Eat. training will be in Avilla, Missouri, September 9 and 10. If you know anyone in Southwest Missouri that might want to join us, let us know!
Love y'all!
PS... Investing Information
You can mail checks to:
Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210
On PayPal, you can give using the email daybreak.international@gmail.com.
On our websites, you can give at www.PlayStoryEat.com or www.DaybreakInternational.org.