"This was the best church experience I have ever had!"
That was just one of the unsolicited responses we got this past weekend as we packed up to leave from our Play. Story. Eat. Experience held at Open Range Fellowship in Lone Jack, Missouri.
Friday night at the Play. Story. Eat. Experience, participants go through the "wagon wheel"--an exercise for everyone to answer five get-acquainted questions in two minutes or less.
While first planned as the initial training for a team that is going to be in Guatemala in late July, we decided to open it up to anyone interested, and wow! We received great feedback from those who aren't planning on going to Guatemala this year but who were curious to see if the Play. Story. Eat. format might work for them.
"This helps me see that I can do missions wherever I'm at," another shared.
"I can't wait to start a group!" still another chimed in.
"I can't go to Guatemala in July, but I definitely want to go in January!"
The PSE Participants take a break Saturday afternoon for a group photo before the last session.
10:02 PRAYER
Please pray for the PSE missionaries who are going to be starting groups as a result of the training at Open Range this past weekend.
Pray for Bill and I as we get out this week to paint for our upcoming mission trips!
Be on the lookout for those needing financial help for their upcoming trips. Thanks for your continued generosity to Daybreak International!
If you know someone who attended the PSE Experience in Lone Jack, ask them what they thought! And if you haven't been to one yet, get in touch. We have more coming!
Hope you have a great week! Next time I plan to introduce you to our July Guatemala team.
Love y'all!
PS... Investing Information
You can mail checks to:
Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210
On PayPal, you can give using the email daybreak.international@gmail.com.
On our websites, you can give at www.PlayStoryEat.com or www.DaybreakInternational.org.