"How was your trip to the jungle last week?" I asked.
"Muy bueno!" Cesar answered. "First off, our friends in Sepoc were so excited at their church anniversary when over 1,000 people attended. Nobody remembers when we started there, but they figure it’s been 15 years. I wish I could have been there. I was recuperating from my surgery at that time."
Improvements to a water system we have partnered with in San Manzano Guatemala. This project has opened up relations between Catholics and Evangelicals and has been a part of the good will that led to a huge celebration in Sepoc for their anniversary.
Jose (in the white shirt), pastor of the church in the village of Sepoc in the jungles of Guatemala, speaks to a group of soccer players after a tournament between four villages in March of 2016.
"How did you do physically?"
"Really well!" Cesar said enthusiastically. "I had no issues. I feel like I’m getting back to normal. Tell everyone thanks for their prayers and for the support given. It really made a difference."
"Where else did you go?"
"One of the newest developments is with the cowboys that are in the jungle. Remember Wilson, the announcer guy at the Agua Blanca rodeo last January?"
"Yes," I said.
"Well, he is from El Estor, just down the road from our jungle friends, and he introduced me to Romilio, another rancher friend up in San Luis, also in that region. They already have people in both areas that want to start a Christian Rancher group. And there is another guy in El Biotopo that I met who is also interested."
"Will they be in Agua Blanca when we come next month for the rodeo?" I asked.
"Si." Cesar answered. "And I already told them we would have lunch and that you were going to be paying!"
"I figured you'd say that!" I protested.
Cesar Gonzalez with Romilio, a new rancher friend from San Luis, Guatemala. They plan to start a new Christian Rancher group on his ranch.
Cowboys and Indians Trip?
"Since these guys are close to our Kekchi friends in the jungle," Cesar continued, "I think it would be very strategic if in 2018 we had a team that could do something with both cowboys and the Kekchis in the same trip."
"You know me, I'm good for that kind of trip," I responded. "It would be ideal if we had some cowboys who liked to hike."
"Some of your cowboys are pretty handy in construction," Cesar interrupted. "Maybe we could do some work on one of the water projects. We could also improve our base camp in Por Venir with just a little bit of work. We need to make it more comfortable for teams to stay longer when they come."
"I'll pass the word," I offered. "We'll call it the Cowboys and Indians trip!"
Do you know anybody who would want a piece of that action? Learn more about Customized Mission Trips!
10:02 PRAYER (LUKE 10:2)
Thank God for the celebration of our Kekchi brothers in the jungle of Guatemala. And thank Him for the continued connections with the rodeo friends. Please pray for the team from Open Range preparing to go January 3-16.
And speaking of Open Range, their pastor, Frank Slaughter is doing well with his cancer treatments in Mexico. He has called this his "Mission trip to Mexico!" The last we heard, he had become the "holy man" to those in the same program and was sharing his faith openly and freely with his new friends. Continue to pray for him.
Continued thanks go to so many of you who have generously responded to support the ministry. Your support is advancing the work of God. Thanks!
Enjoy your time with family and friends this Christmas and keep your eyes and your heart wide open to what God is doing around you.
Love y'all!