Welcome to the new platform for the Daybreak Update!
It's all tied to the unveiling of our new website - PlayStoryEat.com.
Why the change?
You can now control your own subscription to the Update.
From now on you can subscribe or unsubscribe or change your email yourself. You might notice this option at the bottom of this email.
We want to make you a hero!
We believe that the things we have learned to do in Central America can be easily applied to you and your friends here in the United States. It all revolves around the three things we do in our work…We play. We tell stories. And we eat! You can use some of the activities you enjoy doing to build stronger friendships, bring people to faith, and help every participant grow in faith.
We want to rally around the Daybreak vision.
What is it?
That every person in the Americas has friends who love Jesus.
We want to partner with you to build friendships with marginalized and forgotten people who don't know Jesus. And we want to encourage one another to be the kind of person who truly DOES love Jesus. We think that this combination of friendship and authentic faith can be contagious.
Behind the Scenes Changes in 2017
Bill Burrows job will expand to help me get more done!
For the past couple of years Bill has worked part-time with Daybreak as he has led some of us in a prison ministry and done various other things. Gradually his role has increased to the point where we need him almost full time. We haven't created a new job title yet, but he will partner with me in helping folks be a part of the Daybreak vision.
Besides taking on some of my administrative duties, Bill will collaborate with me on the Play. Story. Eat. process and the creation of a new curriculum for a diploma program with the National University of Agriculture in Honduras. (Explained below).
Diploma Program with the Honduras National University of Agriculture.
For the past few years we have worked with this university in bringing talent in Agriculture or Veterinary medicine to their school. Through the years their leaders have introduced us to their extensions that cover the entire country of Honduras. When we first started working with them there were 15 of these extensions. Since then they have expanded to over 60!
We've been invited to provide a curriculum and some instruction to those in this extension program. Once a month, producers who want to learn best practices from the university come to a three-day training. Cesar and I have spoken to these groups several times on the topic of “human values.” In each talk, we have shared a biblical principle that fit the context.
This summer, they asked us for more. They want us to come up with a one-year diploma program on Relational Leadership. To lend credibility to our material, we would like for a few Ag and Vet med experts to join us about three times a year for this ongoing connection.
We changed the Play. Story. Eat. Summit date to March 17-19.
Please make a note of the change. This is the retreat for those who are stakeholders in some way with Daybreak International and it is for anyone who is interested in getting more Play. Story. Eat. training.
It will happen in Kansas City from Friday afternoon March 17th to Sunday morning March 19th. We are working on the exact location and the costs right now. If you know that you are available and would like to sign up, please let me know! Stay tuned for more!
We want to make it easier for you to give.
We are incredibly grateful for the faithful folks who have given to this crazy mission endeavor through the years. The truth is, we haven't made it very easy for you. In the coming days we plan to make it easier on both the DaybreakInternational.org site and on the PlayStoryEat.com site.
As always, if you want to send a check it can go to:
Daybreak International, 11628 Oakmont St., Overland Park, KS 66210
Your support makes a huge difference as we expand what we are doing in producing new websites in both English and Spanish, add more staff (like Bill), and offer more resources.
Thanks again for your prayers. The next update will let you know about our Guatemala rodeo team schedule.
Love y'all!